Sunday, October 4, 2009

I Hear You Lord

Lord, it is 1:30 a.m. and I hear you speaking to me and clear Lord. You have put the desires within my heart to seek and save the lost in a joint effort with You almighty God. It is by Your Holy Spirit that they are called, comforted, encouraged, found and saved. It is by Your hand I have such a drive for prevention and being used as a tool; Your tool to bring unbelievers to You.

Cause me to be worthy of this calling; I feel so inadequate. I know You are with me just as Your were with David when facing Goliath, the giant of all giants. I know Your go before me and cover me on all sides when I face the giants in these young people’s hearts. When I rise up against the powers of hell, the demons within that battle for their very souls. I could do nothing without You, without Your guidance, Your strength and power. Thank you that You have promised to never leave me or forsake me, especially in my time of need.

These kids need You. They must know they have a purpose, that they are special and loved by the Creator of this universe. How awesome is that! Help me to relay to them Your love, Your purpose for their lives, that they have worth and are valuable. Give me the words they need to hear. Because it is not Your will for even one of them to perish eternally, I thank You God for saving their souls, enriching their lives and giving them hope in a world lacking a reason to exist.

Direct me as I step out in faith and heal me that I may be whole and strong to help heal others. Drive out the darkness and selfishness, evil and apathy within my own heart that I may do Your will and be obedient to anything You call me to do. Fill me with Your strength , peace and perseverance…even unto death if it be Your will for me. Thank you for calling me to serve You, to love others and for giving me your simple gospel to share with a hurting and destructive world. I go in Your name, in Your power, for Your glory.

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