Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God is able to do far more than we have ever imagined! To Him be the glory forever!
Ephesians 3:20

I believe satan had an aggressive assignment on Branden yesterday. I woke in a cold sweat and felt Branden had died. I ran in to check Branden and he was fine. I went back to bed and still felt disturbed so I woke my hubby and we prayed for Branden. Then about 9 am, my hubby let Branden's dog, Boomer out, his favorite buddy in all the world, to go potty. My hubby came in just for a minute while Boomer was on the side of the house and the next thing my hubby and I heard from inside the house was a hit and a yelp. We ran to the door and Boomer ran in the door with his butt tucked under his body looking scared to death. Sure enough the neighbor boy and his wife who were walking their dog down the street and came up and told us a truck going about 60 had just hit Boomer and spun him around a couple of times. They wondered if he was okay. We checked Boomer out and he laid around the rest of the day but seemed to not be hurting anywhere. Maybe sore, nothing seemed broke, no internal bleeding, nothing.

We know beyond a shadow of a doubt it was meant for Boomer to get hit and die. This would have devastated Branden. But what the enemy meant for bad God stepped in and said "No!" We are so very thankful. God truly watches over His elect....and their canine buddies. :-)

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